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disable su on debian
is your VM safe enough? A VM is only safe when it’s powered OFF
Why? You have prepared your VM with CDD and you want to be sure that changes will be saved on the original ISO so editing a live machine, will not be possible. You are forced to firstly update your versioned CDD/ISO so who will come after you, will be able to exactly understand what and why you did.
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GNU awk is required for lib/memtype.h made by memtypes.awk. BSD awk complains: awk: gensub doesn't support backreferences (subst "\1")
This error is given when you try to compile quagga.
The easy solution is to
tested with Debian 8 and Quagga 1.2.1
apt-get install -y gawk Compile quagga If you need more help, here’s the list of the needed dependencies to compile correctly.
apt-get install -y build-essential gawk libreadline-dev pkg-config libc-ares-dev After this, a simple
./configure [options] make && make install will do the rest.
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keepalived, virtual IP plus alerting
KeepAliveD is a tool you should learn as soon as possible. You are going to need this wonderful instrument and its magnificent powers.
All starts with a a simple apt-get install keepalived and continues with a very short configuration needed.
requirements Create two Debian 8 VM on the same network.
debianA: debianB: Your firewall must allow VRRP protocol communication between clients on the same subnet.
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